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Hemp trialled in salmon feed in Scotland

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In a global first, a UK producer of hemp crops is taking its first steps into the aquaculture sector that could see the hemp seeds used as a key ingredient for Atlantic salmon feeds.

Rare Earth Global, a grower of industrial hemp for a range of sustainable products, has received £50,000 funding from the UK Seafood Innovation Fund (SIF) to explore how hemp seeds could be integrated into the diets of farmed salmon in Scotland.

With support from the Sustainable Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC) and the University of Stirling’s Institute of Aquaculture, the project team has begun an initial feasibility trial to assess the impact of hemp protein on fish health and wellbeing, looking at factors such as digestibility and nutritional value.

Hemp-based protein is already sold for human consumption as a plant-based nutritional supplement as well as being used in cattle and poultry farming. However, the results of this study could see locally grown hemp being introduced as a core feed ingredient in aquaculture for the first time.

The concept of using the hemp seeds as an effective protein source forms part of Rare Earth Global’s zero-waste approach to hemp farming, which ensures that every part of the plant is used for maximum value. Hemp plants are known to have multiple uses, with the stems widely used for sustainable insulation, paper, textiles, and other materials.

By 2024, Rare Earth Global expects to be the largest UK-based hemp processor, contracting up to 5,000 hectares, and said it has already had positive discussions with some of Scotland’s major seafood producers and feed manufacturers.

Article from: Fish Farming Expert

#1 Premium CBD BRand