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#1 Premium CBD BRand

USDA approves new hemp variety genetically modified to lower THC content

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has approved a hemp variety that has been genetically engineered to produce super-low levels of THC.
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The USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) recently reviewed the hemp cultivar, modified by Growing Together Research (GTR), Inc., Fort Wayne, Indiana, finding it “unlikely” to pose an increased plant pest risk compared to other hemp varieties, and that it therefore may be safely multiplied and grown in the United States. It has highly reduced levels of both THC and cannabichromene (CBC), a minor cannabinoid also present in hemp, according to USDA.

The company used genes from multiple donor organisms, including plants, bacteria, a virus, and at least one artificial sequence, in developing the variety. Not only does it all but eliminate THC and CBC in the plants, the changes are intended to boost resistance to the herbicide bialaphos, GTR said.

Because of the 0.3% THC limit, it can be difficult for some farmers when growing the plant as if it goes over the limit, they have to destroy the plants. Not only this but producers must go through an expensive process of mitigation where states allow reduction measures.

In addition to its efforts to develop THC-free hemp cultivars, GTR said it is working to increase THC production in marijuana plants.

Photo by Kindel Media

#1 Premium CBD BRand