Google Ads to allow CBD and hemp ads in some regions
Starting from January 20th 2023, Google Ads will allow some cannabidiol (CBD) and topical, hemp-derived CBD products to be advertised on its network.
Starting from January 20th 2023, Google Ads will allow some cannabidiol (CBD) and topical, hemp-derived CBD products to be advertised on its network.
On Tuesday, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul signed into law a bill that seeks to expand the states industrial hemp industry. Industrial hemp was legalized on the federal level in 2018, when Congress passed a Farm Bill that opened the door for states to allow its cultivation.
Honduras is moving to establish a framework for industrial hemp in order to catchup with other Central American countries.
An agriculture conglomerate in Costa Rica has received the first authorization to grow and process hemp under a recently signed resolution from the country’s agriculture ministry.
As the Nepalese government goes about the process of setting laws and regulations for the hemp industry, people in the ayurvedic medicine space are pushing Nepalese officials to prioritize removing the country’s ban on hemp flowers.
Popular U.S. CBD company Charlotte’s Web Holdings (CW) will pay Major League Baseball $30.5 million plus a 10% royalty on sales and grant the professional sports organization 4% of the company’s shares in a historical marketing deal that was announced last week.
The tech company is called Cannabis Conicet, and will operate under leading scientific researchers, the Arturo Jauretche National University (UNAJ), and the High Complexity Hospital “El Cruce.”
On February 1st, 2023, CBD will be treated the same as heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine, in Hong Kong, and will be classed as a “dangerous drug.”
On the 6th of October U.S President Joe Biden issued federal pardons to people who have been convicted for ‘simple possession’ of marijuana. Thousands of people are said to be pardoned however there are a few cons with the grand news.
With the legalization of hemp cultivation, products containing cannabidiol (CBD) have become popular. Many of these oils and creams claim to alleviate pain and other conditions, and now, new research reported in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces suggests that CBD could have another function: as a bioplastic. The research team created a CBD-based bioplastic material that could one day be used in medical implants, food wrappers and more.