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First ever human trial finds CBG linked to improved memory and reduced anxiety

In a twist worthy of a plotline in a cannabis-themed thriller, a lesser-known cannabinoid called CBG has left scientists pleasantly surprised—and perhaps a little bewildered.
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According to the first-ever human clinical trial, this underdog cannabinoid not only improves memory but also “significantly” reduces anxiety and stress. Who knew that cannabigerol (CBG) would emerge from the shadows of its more famous cousins, THC and CBD, to show off its own set of impressive skills?

Researchers from Washington State University (WSU) and UCLA decided it was high time to investigate the therapeutic potential of CBG, especially after hearing anecdotal reports that seemed too good to ignore. The study, recently published in Scientific Reports, revealed that CBG led to “significant overall reductions in anxiety as well as reductions in stress” among participants compared to a placebo. As if that wasn’t enough to make scientists double-take, it also “enhanced verbal memory relative to placebo,” all without any intoxicating effects.

The memory boost was such a curveball that lead author and WSU psychology professor Carrie Cuttler had to do a triple-take. “The finding that it significantly enhanced [memory] was kind of shocking to me and completely, entirely unexpected, which was why I triple-checked the direction and the result,” Cuttler confessed in a phone interview with Marijuana Moment. “We definitely want to replicate that finding before we make too big of a deal about it,” she added, no doubt still recovering from the initial surprise.

To test CBG’s potential, researchers conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled field trial involving 34 healthy adults. Each participant was given either 20mg of hemp-derived CBG or a placebo tincture over two sessions. After taking the cannabinoid, participants underwent a series of assessments, including a stress test and a verbal memory test that had them recalling words like they were cramming for a vocabulary quiz.

The results? CBG managed to reduce anxiety by an average of 26.5 percent and made participants feel notably less stressed. But the real jaw-dropper was the memory test, where CBG-enhanced participants outperformed their placebo-taking peers. “We hypothesized that CBG would not impair memory, but our finding that CBG significantly enhanced verbal memory was unexpected,” the study noted, probably in the same tone of voice you’d use after discovering your pet goldfish can solve a Rubik’s Cube.

When asked if she had any theories about why CBG might be giving memory a boost, Cuttler suggested that the reduced anxiety could be the secret sauce. Less stress, better brain function—sounds like a win-win situation.

The clinical trial was inspired by an earlier survey where 51 percent of CBG users reported taking it primarily for anxiety relief. Interestingly, nearly 80 percent said CBG was more effective for their anxiety than traditional medications. Talk about an overachiever.

“CBG is becoming increasingly popular, with more producers making bold, unsubstantiated claims about its effects,” Cuttler said. “Our study is one of the first to provide evidence supporting some of these claims, helping to inform both consumers and the scientific community.” However, she was quick to throw in a reality check: “We don’t want the results of this novel study to give people the impression that ‘CBG is a miracle drug.’”

“It’s new and exciting, but replication and further research are crucial,” she emphasized. Cuttler is already gearing up for a follow-up clinical trial, this time in a lab setting, to really dig into CBG’s effects on things like blood pressure and cortisol levels. She’s also considering a separate study on how CBG might help with menopause symptoms, and is looking for volunteers brave enough to help uncover yet more surprises from this mysterious cannabinoid.

Meanwhile, another recent study found that slathering on some CBD-infused lotion might help protect your skin from UV damage—just in time for your next beach day. And to top it all off, research published in BioFactors suggests that minor cannabinoids like CBG might have anticancer properties worth investigating further.

It seems like the cannabis plant still has a few tricks up its sleeve, and CBG is just getting started. As Cuttler would probably agree, stay tuned—this cannabinoid is one to watch.

#1 Premium CBD BRand