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#1 Premium CBD BRand

Research shows CBD can improve several menopause-related symptoms and conditions

Menopause is a naturally occurring transition but it can often cause numerous nasty symptoms in women due to declining female hormone levels.
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Menopause is a naturally occurring transition but it can often cause numerous nasty symptoms in women due to declining female hormone levels.

According to the National Institute on Aging, these symptoms can include hot flashes, sleep disturbances, and pain during sex. Too add, menopause can also cause moodiness, irritability, depression, or a combination of physical and mental health symptoms.

Treating menopause-related symptoms and negating disease risk in postmenopausal women generally involves hormone replacement therapy (HRT). However, research from 2021 shows that HRT can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and certain types of cancer in some women.

Other FDA-approved treatments for menopausal symptoms include specific low dose selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and a non-hormone medication that mimics estrogen.

Some reports also suggest that alternatives such as medical cannabis may be useful for treating menopausal symptoms. Still, the safety and effectiveness of using cannabis for menopause are not fully understood.

A Rutgers University mouse study, recently published in the journal Frontiers in Pharmacology, has found evidence that cannabidiol (CBD) may have therapeutic potential for relieving symptoms of estrogen deficiency, and potentially offer benefits for individuals experiencing menopause and postmenopause. While the evidence seems promising, more research is needed in humans before CBD should be considered a safe and effective treatment.

Rutgers University scientists divided estrogen-deficient mice into two groups. For over 18 weeks, the researchers fed one group a diet containing CBD isolate (96–99% purity) from Bluebird Botanical (Louisville, CO). Mice in the other group were fed the same diet without CBD.

After the treatment period ended, the mice underwent several tests, including metabolic tests, gene expression tests, bone density assessments, and gut microbiota analysis.

The scientists found that mice in the non-CBD-treated group developed symptoms similar to postmenopausal human females. According to a press release, these include:

  • metabolic dysfunction
  • evidence of inflammation
  • lower bone density
  • lower levels of beneficial gut bacteria

However, mice treated with CBD showed significant improvements in several areas. According to the study, the CBD-treated mice had:

  • better oral glucose (blood sugar) tolerance
  • improved energy metabolism
  • reduced intestinal inflammation
  • improvements in whole-body bone mineral density and bone mineral content
  • enhanced thigh bone volume fraction, trabecular thickness, and volumetric bone mineral density
  • an increased abundance of Lactobacillus, a beneficial gut bacteria

The scientists said these results indicate that CBD positively impacts the immune system and gut microbiota. And these effects may offer protection against menopause-related inflammation, bone loss, impaired energy metabolism, and glucose intolerance.

#1 Premium CBD BRand