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#1 Premium CBD BRand

The German Bundesrat has given final approval to a limited cannabis legalization plan

The German Bundesrat just greenlit a plan to make weed as common as pretzels in a beer garden! Yep, you heard that right – the land of sausages and schnitzels is loosening up with a limited cannabis legalization plan. But fear not, lederhosen lovers, it's not a free-for-all Oktoberfest of pot just yet.
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The German government, in a move that surely had some folks doing the polka, decided to end the prohibition of cannabis for adults. So, starting April 1st, possessing and cultivating your own stash of the green stuff will be as legal as wearing socks with sandals – not necessarily recommended, but not against the law!

Now, let’s break it down like a pretzel stick at a beer festival. Under this ‘high’-ly anticipated plan, adults aged 18 and above can possess up to 25 grams of the good stuff and stash up to 50 grams at home. They’re also giving the green thumbs up for folks to grow up to three cannabis plants in their humble abodes. Homegrown happiness, anyone?

But wait, there’s more! Come July 1st, Germany will be rolling out the green carpet for non-commercial cannabis clubs. Picture it: membership cards, puffs of smoke, and conversations about the universe, all legally above board. Each club gets a cap of 500 members – sorry, no overcrowded hotboxes here!

Health Minister Karl Lauterbach, in a tweet that probably went viral faster than a lighter at a Bob Marley concert, exclaimed, “The fight was worth it! Please use the new option responsibly.” Spoken like a true advocate for ‘herbal’ diplomacy.

But before the party hats were thrown in the air, there were some hiccups. Some federal states were sweating bullets over an amnesty provision, fearing a backlog of past cannabis cases could clog up the legal system like a bad case of the munchies. Others wanted to set up weed-free zones around schools and kindergartens – because nothing says “think of the children” like a cloud of smoke drifting over the sandbox.

In the end, though, the plan was ‘joint’-ly approved by the Bundesrat, putting Germany in the same league as Malta and Switzerland – the cannabis cool kids of Europe.

Niklas Kouparanis, CEO and co-founder of a medical cannabis company, predicts that the medical marijuana industry is about to hit the jackpot. With medical weed no longer classified as a narcotic, he estimates that the number of patients could shoot up like a rocket in a ganja garden.

And hold onto your beer steins, folks, because this is just the first puff of Germany’s cannabis policy. There’s talk of a ‘second pillar’ down the line, involving municipal pilot programs and state-regulated cannabis sold at licensed retailers. It’s like a bureaucratic rollercoaster – buckle up, Deutschland!

So there you have it, folks. Germany’s blazing a trail into a greener future, one puff at a time. Who knows, maybe soon you’ll be able to order a “special” currywurst at your local imbiss.

Photo by: Levent Simsek

#1 Premium CBD BRand